FRABA POSITAL QUICK MANUAL Profibus DP Interface Absolute Encoder

Sample: OCD-DPC1B-1213-C10S-H3P
PLC: Siemens S7-1200 - GSD file FRAB4711.gsd

QUICK MANUAL Profibus DP Interface Absolute Encoder.pdf

manual-ixarc-ocd-dp.pdf - Absolute Rotary Encoder with Profibus-DP-Interface OCD-DPC1B-XXXX-XXXX-XXX User Manual 

Connection Cap Settings

Connecting Bus Lines and Power Supply

Notes: The power supply has to be connected once (no matter which clamps). If the terminating resistor is switched on, the outgoing bus lines are disconnected.

Cable Connection

Project Creation

PLC Settings

Communication Module Setting

Import GSD File

Profibus DP Encoder Setting

1. Under network view, select “Other field devices”→“Porfibus 
DP”→“Encoders”→“FARBA”→“FRABA Posital”→“FRABA Encoder”→“OCD-DPB1B”
2. Drag the selected encoder into network view.

Profibus DP Interface Connection

Encoder Input/output Address Setting

Encoder Profibus Address Setting

Encoder Parameter Settings

Select “Device view”→select “Device overview”→Right click on the “FRABA 2.2 Multiturn”→ “General”→“Devicespecific parameters”, encoder parameter setting: 
1.Code sequence
2.Desired measuring units
4.Total measuring range
5.Lower/Upper limit switch: disable by default.
6.Velocity output unit
7.Commissioning mode: disable by default.
6.Shorter diagnostics(16 bytes):disable by default.

Program Blocks

Network 1: Encoder Position Value Output

1. Encoder output value Bit0-Bit24: position value
2. Encoder output value bit25-bit31: status value
3. When reading the position value, the state value "bit25-bit31" should be cleared by using 
logical operation, and the program section is shown as left:
Note: first enter the address bit, such as ID68, MD100, then modify the variable name

Network 2: Encoder Speed Value Input

Network 3: Preset Order

Network 4: Reset Order

Network 5: Status Bit Reading

Watch and Force Table


1. Right-click PLC→ select "compile" → select "hardware and software (only changes)".
2. Check that the hardware and software configuration Settings are correct.

Download Configuration to PLC

1. Click the download button.
2. Begin your search.
3. Select the corresponding PLC.
4. Click download.
5. Click "all started" after downloading.

Watch and Force

1.After switching to online, observe the parameters of each variable.
2. Changing “Preset button“  the value to 1 and then the current position value is set to 0. After activation, changing “Reset button”  to 1 and activate, and then can preset again.
3. "Velocity output unit" should be the same as the parameters set in Page 12.
4. "step distance unit" shall be set with the actual distance unit


Категория: FRABA Group | Просмотров: 90 | Добавил: gt7600 | Теги: PROFIBUS, FRABA, Absolute Encoder, GSD | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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